Monthly Archives: July 2002

Transforming Ideas

Transforming Ideas is an interactive installation, commissioned by Experience Design (formerly Krent/Paffett/Carney) for the Mary Baker Eddy Library in Boston, Massachusetts.  The installation allows people to interact with quotations by using their bodies to reveal hidden words in the quote … Continue reading



linescape.cpp is a piece of software created for the CODeDOC project on the Whitney Museum’s Artport site. Twelve artists were commissioned by Christiane Paul to code a specific assignment—to ‘connect and move three points in space’. The main code was … Continue reading


Liquid Time Series

The Liquid Time Series explores how the concept of ‘point of view’ is predicated on embodied existence. Initially, the piece was an attempt to create an interactive installation where users’ physical positions in the gallery (tracked by an overhead camera) … Continue reading