- Stern, Nathaniel. Interactive Art and Embodiment: The Implicit Body as Performance. Arts Future Book: Gylphi Limited, Great Britain.
- Ricardo, Francisco. The Engagement Aesthetic: Experiencing New Media Art Through Critique. Bloomsbury, London, England.
- Simonowski, Roberto. Inter- and Transmedial Literature. Rodophi B.V., Amsterdam and New York, NY.
- Ricardo, Francisco. Literary Art in Digital Performance: Case Studies and Critical Positions. Continuum Press, New York. NY.
- Blair, Elizabeth. “Louisville art hotel offers rooms with a view” Morning Edition, NPR, December 23, 2008
- Wong, Nicole. Animatronica. Microwave International Media Art Festival, Hong Kong, China.
- Bolter, Jay David and Diane Gromala. Windows and Mirrors: Interaction Design, Digital Art, and the Myth of Transparency. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
- Polk, Molly. Engaging Space. Kidspace at MASS MoCA, North Adams, MA.
- Komatsuzaki, Takuo. New Media, New Faces, New York. NTT Inter Communication Center, Tokyo, Japan.
- Video Interview with Smithsonian Magazine
- Watch This! at The Smithsonian American Art Museum
- Patent Pending at the ZERO1 Garage
- Tracing Time/Marking Movement at the Frist Center for Visual Arts
- “Camille Utterback and the Technology of Interactive Art” on The Huffington Post
- Collider 2: Camille Utterback at Emily Davis Gallery, University of Akron, Ohio
- Text Rain on NPR’s Morning Edition