Text Rain, for Phæno


Text Rain, for Phæno, is based on the Text Rain installation, made by Camille Utterback and Romy Achituv in 1999.  This version was commissioned by Ansel Associates for the Phæno Science Center in Wolfsburg, Germany.  The original text of the installation is a poem by Evan Zimroth called “Talk, You,” which was selected for the metaphorical bridges it creates between the physical and the linguistic. The German and English phrases in this customized version are all metaphors for emotional states based on weather and nature, a concept inspired by Phæno’s exploration of natural phenomena.  Just as in Text Rain, if participants accumulate enough letters along their outstretched arms, or along the silhouette of any dark object, they can read words and phrases formed by the virtual falling letters.

Permanently Installed:

  • Phæno Science Center, Wolfsburg, Germany
    Installed 2005
    Tues - Fri: 9am - 5pm,
    Sat/Sun & holidays: 10am - 6pm